6 ways to make your fitness resolutions stick!!

Health related goals account for more than 70% of new years resolutions but only 50% make it past the third week!!! Here are 6 ways to make yours stick from our friends over at Ignite Me in Solana Beach.



1.     Clearly Identify your Definition of Success

a.     Create S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time based)

b.     What does it feel like?

c.      What does it look like?

2.     Make it fun

a.     If a gym isn’t fun for you… news flash… your probably not going to get the best results in a gym. Find a way to “play” what did you do for fun as a kid. Dodge ball? Soccer? Ect?

3.     Find or Start a tribe!!

a.     Chances are pretty good whatever your into, your not the only one. Use the wonderful tool that most of you carry in your pocket or hop on your tablet or lap top and do a quick search on Meetup, Google, FB, etc

b.     Group fitness is a great way to meet others with similar goals and a great way to create some accountability.

4.     Balance is everything

a.     Spend at least half of your time focusing on learning how to eat REAL, WHOLE, AND FRESH food

b.     As a gym owner and trainer I used to hate to admit it, but food is everything and your results are created in the kitchen and by what you put in your mouth and not by how many hours you spend in the gym

5.     When you fail….brush your self off and keep going

a.     Chances are you are going to fail… every one does. But not everyone gets back up and tries again and again until they succeed.

b.     Focus on the journey

6.     Accountability is key!

a.     Even the best athletes in the world hire coaches and trainers. Don’t try to “get in shape” before you go to the gym, or hire a trainer. Start today and find the accountability hat works best for you.


If you would like to talk further about reaching your wellness potential email  Carlos@igniteme.com


Written By Carlos Marin Jr.


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